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Guidelines for the Content of Rig Move Procedures

Friday 2 September 2011
Guidelines for the Content of Rig Move Procedures
This document is a Guideline to assist the offshore industry in forming a common standard and contents of a rig move procedure.
1. Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Description of Rig
3. Arrival and Departure Locations
4. Health Safety & Environment
5. Duties and Responsibilities for Relevant Parties
6. Support
7. Operations
8. Reference Documents
9. Appendices
2. Introduction
• To contain a site specific ,brief summary of the operation, time scale and those involved and point of contact for AHTS master
3. Description of Rig
• Chain type and length, numbering of anchor lines and anchor pattern
• Anchor type, weight and quantity.
• Towing gear arrangement + SWL
• Propulsion systems (size and type of thrusters, DP on MOU/MODU)
• Draft and freeboard on both locations and during shifting
• MOU/MODU data card to be made available to AHTS Master
• Weather limitations taken from assets safety case
4. Arrival and Departure Locations
• To contain topographical diagrams of sea bed showing sub sea structures and obstructions.
• Drawings of current and proposed anchor patterns showing all mooring arrangements
• Water depth
• Bottom type
• Catenary curves
5. Health Safety and Environmental
• As per clients/operators HS&E policy statement and Rig/AHTS Owners SMS documents.
Some clients will insist on inserting their policy into the procedure.
6. Duties and Responsibilities for Relevant Parties
• Hire in required vessels, mooring equipment, survey positioning equipment as appropriate.
( Refer to MSF 'Template of Data' for AHTS vessels)
• Brief all involved in the scope of the rig moving operation, which will include planning and risk assessments for the whole operation.
( Refer to MSF 'Risk Assessment Rig Move Operations' )
• Ensure installation is moored in accordance with the proposed anchor pattern.
• Obtain info for site survey for anchor pattern, including soil samples for jack ups.
• Seabed infrastructure, conditions, and any obstructions.
• Confirm minimum distances horizontal/vertical to installations and pipelines for anchors and anchor lines, including elevated catenary.
• Weather/wave data and tidal streams.
• Determine logistics requirements and ensure A/h equipment is sourced, certified and shipped.
• Nominated marine reps, survey and warranty surveyors to be suitably briefed.
• Full clear written procedures for installation move showing key roles, responsibilities, contacts list, unmooring and mooring plan with drawings, upper weather limitations of operation.
• MOU/MODU drafts/freeboard data to be made available to AHTS vessels
• Brief AHTS master prior to leaving port, and notify point of contact.
MSF 'Vessel Health, Safety and Environmental Check List' to be completed at this time.
• Carry out mooring analysis, to include anchor pattern, step/skid drawings, catenary curves. These drawings to be included in procedure.
• Notify MCA /local agencies.
• Appoint sole point of contact through which all rig move notifications and exterior communications will pass.
• Decide when it is safe and practicable to commence operations within the limitations of the installations operating manual.
• Management of Change for any significant deviation from the proposed rig move procedure.
MOC procedure to be agreed upon by all parties offshore.
• AHTS to be fit for purpose and capable of 24 hours working and two man bridge watches.( Refer to vessels 'Anchor Handling Manual')
• 'Contingency Planning' as per clients requirements.
• Rig moving marine contractors to review their procedures at regular intervals
7. Support
• Vessel requirements
• Mooring and rigging equipment
• Navigation package
• Weather forecasting service.
8. Operations
• Onshore Rig Move Meeting to be held where operational procedure will be reviewed and agreed upon.
• Offshore pre-meeting with all AHTS Masters in attendance via conference call to discuss, tool box talk , Safe Job Analysis/Task Based Risk
• Proposed passage plan to be drawn up by MOU/MODU marine support team.
• Definitive passage plan to be drawn up by tow vessel Master and agreed with Tow master.
9. Appendices
To contain large documents, drawings and plans such as:
• Description of anchor types and the use of
• Bottom survey
• Proposed passage plan
• Catenary curves
• Tidal information
• Cross track distance table for running anchors


Anchor Handling

Anchor handling tug supply boat

Dynamical positioning

Health and Safety Executive

Maritime Coastguard agency

Mobile offshore drilling unit

Management of Change

Mobile offshore unit

Offshore safety division

Simultaneous operations

Safety Management System

Safe Working Load

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