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[English] Rules for business writing

Tuesday 28 June 2011
Copy and paste: Harvard Business Review http://web.hbr.org/email/archive/managementtip.php?date=061411

3 Rules for Making Your Writing Clear In business writing, you get points for clarity, not style. Instead of trying to wax poetic about your division's plans for the next 60 days, just make your point.

Here are three ways to do that:

1.One idea per paragraph. Novels hold several complex ideas and emotions in a single paragraph. In business writing, limit your thoughts to one per paragraph. When you have another suggestion, thought or idea, start a new paragraph.

2.Put your point in the first sentence. Don't entice your readers with background information and build-up. No one has time for that. Make your primary point first. Then go into supporting detail.

3.Make it "scannable." Few people read every word in an email. Use headers and bullet points so that your audience can quickly scan your message and understand your point Ahmad Syamil

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